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Whitestone Package – A Day For You

osprey_tub_-_2015_td3Do you ever just wish you had a secret garden to escape to for a day? Recently several individuals have come to Whitestone without their spouse (also some widows and some widowers). When I asked at dinner what brought them to Whitestone, their answers revealed an interesting pattern of felt need.

Comments varied but showed the desire to have a personal retreat:

“I just needed time to process some changes!”

“I wanted to get away to sit and think.”

“My husband gave me a day at Whitestone to get a massage and catch up on my sleep.”

A college professor checked in today to finish a project on his computer. (We’ve just dramatically increased the speed our internet.)

So here is a “Day For You Package.”

  1. Check-in early
  2. Sleep, walk, lay in a hammock, get a massage, look at the lake and mountains, read, pray – get direction for tomorrow, bring a DVD you’ve wanted to watch
  3. Enjoy good food

Take “A Day For You” and we will treat you like you’re at your mother’s house, where all needs are anticipated and met. Whitestone really is a “Sanctuary for the Soul!”