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I’m Plumb Give Out: A Letter from Paul

Please read this if you share my Christian values.

“I’m Plumb Give Out”

That’s how I feel today. Growing up in rural West Tennessee I heard that expression often from folks who were exhausted. In a slightly different way that conveys my condition – “I’m plumb give out”. First of all, I am slowly recovering from “walking pneumonia”. That means that for three weeks I could walk slowly but not very far. I can function but not at a very high level! I’m getting better but still completely worn out.

Also in the “plumb give out” category, I have spent 19 years giving missionaries and pastors a place to rest. Since 1997, 13,000 rooms at Whitestone have been given to missionaries at no cost to them and approximately 15,000 rooms have been given to pastors and their spouses at half price. Also, since 2002 we have taken the Whitestone experience around the world to twenty 4-5 star resorts and provided 4,650 missionaries with a 4 day refreshing retreat, through the Christian Hospitality Network, at no cost to them.

But “I’m plumb give out!” I don’t enjoy asking others for money, but these front line warriors are so worthy and in such need. I have exhausted available funds and yet I don’t know how to turn away those who so desperately need a time to rest. In all surveys of pastors and missionaries they say their greatest need is an affordable place to reconnect to their spouses and to God. They also say the lack of funds is the hindrance to that much needed time of rest.

I need your help

If you share my values regarding Christianity and the Great Commission would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in providing rest for missionaries to be refreshed and esteemed? Nobody can do everything but everybody can do something. Together, we can give them more than a cup of cold water and look forward to an eternal reward because these workers were rested and could continue their mission.

  • $25/month
    • Can fund a single missionary for an international CHN 3 night/4 day Getaway or retreat in the U.S.
    • Can fund meals monthly for a single missionary at resorts in the U.S. or overseas
  • $50/month
    • Can fund a missionary couple for an international CHN 3 night/4 day Getaway or retreat in the U.S.
    • Can fund meals monthly for a missionary couple at resorts in the U.S. or overseas
  • $75/month
    • Can fund a missionary couple and a single missionary for an international CHN 3 night/4 day Getaway or retreat in the U.S.
    • Can fund meals monthly for a missionary family at resorts in the U.S. or overseas

You can do the multiplication and be a blessing to as many missionaries as possible. Hospitality to missionaries is so important to Jesus that in Matt. 10:40-42 when He sends the disciples out for the first time He tells them that “welcoming you is the same as welcoming Me”. He goes on to say that those who receive missionaries have the same reward as those who go. That passage concludes with the famous verse (42) “Even a cup of cold water given to one of the least of My sent ones will never lose its reward.”

The need is greatest right now! Give what you can if you share these values. And if you can’t give, would you encourage me by sending an email sharing that you will be praying for this grace-based hospitality ministry? CHN will be in Krakow, Poland the last week of October hosting missionaries from 30 countries. We have a waiting list of others who want to come if funds became available.

Please help if you can.

Go to and give online or send a check to the Christian Hospitality Network at 1200 Paint Rock Road Kingston, TN 37763.

I would so appreciate an email at or call my cell phone at 865-376-7182 encouraging me with your prayers because “I’m plumb give out.”

