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Thoughts from Paul

Whitestone Inn – A Young Boy’s Perspective

    Tennessee resorts – bed and breakfast A young guest said, “Mr. Paul, Whitestone is a 2nd class place!” His parents immediately turned to their eight year old son with embarrassment. “Logan! Why would you say that?!” Logan reaffirmed his assessment with enthusiasm, “This

What I Learned From My Son’s Death

Eighteen years age today Dec. 11th 1992 the phone by the bed rang at 6:10am. The voice on the phone abruptly said that my son Brian (24) had been killed in a hunting accident. There was no time to process, to prepare, to adjust. Brian

Is This Paradise?

Our founding fathers declared that we have the right to “the pursuit of happiness”.And pursue we do! We have DNA left over from Eden that pushes us toward Heaven on earth. Advertising promises happiness from cereal to cars to clothes. Universities have crowded classes teaching

The Urgency of Rest by Paul Cowell

“Sometimes the most urgent thing you can do is get away and rest.” -Ashleigh Brilliant.  How do you measure the value of finding “sanctuary for the soul”?  What paradigm shift occurs when you find time to step aside to think?  I received a letter this

The Influence of Rivendell on Whitestone

We are fortunate to have guests from around the world visit us at Whitestone. A recent guest had just returned from Afghanistan where she had served an international aid organization for two years. She is twenty-six years old, very attractive and left the US yesterday

A Place of Refuge

Our Judeo-Christian heritage has an important tradition of places of safe refuge. The concept of cities of refuge was instituted in the nation of Israel by commands from God in the Old Testament book of Joshua. Israel had divided Canaan into tribal territories. As God

The Joy Of Giving

We lived in various rooms at the inn for 5 years after we opened Whitestone. Jean finally insisted on a personal refrigerator – one that did not have gallon jugs in it. The 85 acres adjacent to Whitestone became available and so we moved to