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The Perseid Meteor Shower at Whitestone


This Thursday and Friday night there will be a stunning meteor shower known as the Perseid Meteor Shower. The intensity will likely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

There’s no better way to enjoy that meteor shower than under the dark skies here at Whitestone. 

Watch the meteor shower here at Whitestone

We’ll have a short meeting after dinner to talk about the meteor shower and the magnitude and glory of the universe. Lounge chairs will be available out by the pool area to use at any time of night. And, a professional photographer will be here taking some amazing time-lapse photos. 


More about the meteor shower

The Perseid meteor shower will be articles ejected when the comet Swift-Tuttle passed near earth in 1862 and earlier. They pass through the atmosphere at 133,000 miles per hour and burn up about 60 miles above earth. Most are the size of a grain of sand with some as large as a silver dollar.

If you can’t make it out to Whitestone to watch it live be sure to login to the show streamed by NASA here during that time.

Wherever you are be sure to take time to enjoy this amazing event!