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Christmas Light or Christmas “Lite”

Although Christmas comes at a time of maximum darkness in the Northern hemisphere, the season is symbolized by light,  Candles, lights on trees and houses, Christmas lights everywhere embody the essence of the season for me.

Lights heralded the first Christmas in Bethlehem. A star, glorious light shinning on shepherds, even Isaiah’s prophetic voice declared “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness-on them light has shined”. [9:2]

At Whitestone fireplaces are burning, candles are glowing, trees shimmer with Christmas lights and rope lights outline all 6 buildings. Christmas menus are prepared, the Whitestone Singers are greeting guests with songs of the season.  I love all the goes with Christmas at our country inn!

But this morning an employee at Walmart on Long Island N Y was trampled to death as he opened the doors of the store for early shoppers. Someway the light of Christmas seems not to have illuminated those agressive shoppers as they scrambled to get good buys and save a little money on gifts to to give to loved ones. Light did come 2000 years ago to those who sit in darkness but many have turned Christmas Light into Christmas ‘lite’. Many completely miss the love, peace and joy that should saturate the next few weeks. We shop, hurry, cook,run up debt and grnerally become frazzled to the point that we are relieved when Christmas is finally over.

At Whitestone and in my personal life I want to focus on the Light of Christmas.I want every light I see to be a reminder of darkness dispelled. Whitestone is a ‘sanctuary for the soul’. If all the craziness of Christmas lite gets to be too much come on out and join the Whitestone family as we really celebrate the Light that shines in darkness.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you will recover your life. I will show you how to take a rest…..Learn the unforced rhythms of grace….Keep company with Me and you”ll learn how to live freely and lightly”.  Matthew 11:28 The Message by Eugene Peterson


Whitestone Inn