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I have recently been involved on a board where the institution felt the need to re-brand itself and present a new image to the world. As we went through the agonizing process I re-evaluated Whitestone Country Inn’s “brand’.
When I made the first notes about what would become Whitestone in 1963 I didn’t have our brand clearly defined. But the place that I now call “a sanctuary for the soul’ was at the core of my dream. Thirty-four years later I opened Whitestone as a place of peace and refuge from all the stressors of daily life. As I thought of re-branding, I was thankful that what I envisioned so long ago didn’t need re-defining or changing to some other image. After 30,000 couples have re-created here and 1000 brides and grooms have united their live together at our chapel the reality is better than I dreamed.
Whitestone remains “a sanctuary for the soul’: that deepest part of us that longs for a gentler time.